Accredited Counter Fraud Technician (ACFTech) Training

Course Dates and Pricing

Duration 6 days – Blended Learning

Learning Hours – 135

Taught – 45 hours

Self-Directed Learning – 90 hours

Delegates will receive an introduction to counter fraud, focussing on fraud awareness, examining the methodologies of building an anti-fraud culture, together with the gathering of evidence and information to support an investigation.  The course also examines the Fraud Act and associated legislation.

This course is aimed at anyone in a position to spot fraud at an early stage, claims handlers, analysts, investigative support staff, desktop investigators, or those with a secondary role as a ‘fraud champion’.

Course content:·

  • Legislation and Investigation (General)
  • Fraud Act 2006
  • Theft Act 1968
  • Bribery Act 2010
  • Computer Misuse Act 1990
  • Identity Documents Act 2010
  • Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act (CPIA) 1996
  • Police and Criminal Evidence Act (PACE) 1984 Codes of Practice
  • Public Interest Disclosure Act (PIDA) 1998
  • Human Rights Act 1998
  • Data Protection 2018
  • The Impact of Fraud in the UK
  • The Civil and Criminal Justice Systems, Employment Tribunals and Disciplinary Hearings
  • Developing an Anti-Fraud Culture
  • Stakeholder and Collaborative Working
  • Report Writing Skills
  • Evidence
  • Case Management
  • PEACE – Free Recall/Cognitive Interviews with Witnesses
  • Obtaining and Providing Witness Statements

The Programme involves a number of assessed elements, including open and closed book knowledge checks, a post course assignment and performance feedback for trainer observed exercises.

On successful completion of the course delegates will be awarded the title of ‘Accredited Counter Fraud Technician’ (ACF Tech).

The course is accredited by the Counter Fraud Professional Awards Board (CFPAB), supported by Northumbria University, and attracts 20 level 4 credits at at Regulated Qualifications Framework within England, Wales and Northern Ireland (or 20 credits at Level 7 of the Scottish Credit and Qualification).

Course Dates and Pricing